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Reflect and Perfect Winter Booklet

Reflect and perfect winter booklet Task 2- 10 marks (7) Until 1966, there was no law to legalise male heterosexual relations. Therefore, as ‘The Avengers’ was shown in 1960 men could not be publicly gay-if this was said they were either sent to prison or put in to a mental institution ‘The Avengers’, when it was shown, did not give people any question about Steed or Peels sexuality as the ‘norm’ of the time was everyone was homosexual as there would be severe consequences if they said otherwise. The characters conformed to the dominant representation because the audience would of expected them to be heterosexual  due to the roles they play.   When gay sex/heterosexual relations became legal in 1966. Society changed   completely, people became open about there sexuality and showed individuality. ‘Cuffs’, shown in 2010 conformed to this idea of openly gay people and used Jake Vicars as a gay character who creates a positive representation for ...

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